Friday, December 9, 2011

Dwight Howard and the Bulls

It’s hard to believe that Christmas is in 15 days and I couldn’t be more jacked up.  I have two Christmas parties next week (one at my place, you are more than welcome to come) and one at work that I’m actually planning.  I like decorating Christmas trees, hanging lights at my place, Christmas shopping, opening presents, listening to Christmas music, getting fat, having days off from work, the snow outside, just really everything “commercial” about Christmas.  It’s a great time of the year and this year isn’t any different.  I’m a Christmas guy, not Clark Griswold Christmas guy, but pretty close.

This year Christmas is going to be extra special because I get to watch NBA basketball for the first time since Dallas beat Lebron/Wade/Bosh last June.  With the Chris Paul trade, and then subsequent no trade, I started my getting excited for the NBA.

I, like most Bulls fans, am really optimistic about this 2012 shortened season.  I’m stoked to get to watch Derrick Rose, Luol Deng, Joakim Noah, and the rest of the Bulls play hard every night, win a lot of games, and be a scary team come playoff time.  There is no doubt that the Bulls have a legitimate shot at winning an NBA title this year. 

The only question I have about where the Bulls are right now is this, why didn’t they go after Dwight Howard and give up whatever Orlando wanted to get him? 

Looking at the Bulls roster, I see a better package for Dwight than what any other NBA team (at least any other team in which Howard would want to sign an extension with) could offer.  Noah, Gibson, Brewer, 2012 first round pick, and Charlotte’s top 9 protected number one in 2012 (or top 3 protected number one in 2013) for Dwight Howard. 

I know what you are thinking, that’s a lot to give up for one player, but that’s what the NBA is now.  For as much as I love everyone else on the Bulls, nobody but D Rose is a superstar and if you are going to win a title in this league, you have to have more than one superstar. 

I sort of contradicted myself in what I said earlier about the Bulls having a legitimate shot at winning a title and then saying they need another superstar to do it, but hear me out. 

The Bulls can win a title this year but a lot of things need to go their way in order for them to do so.  First off, D Rose needs to play like an MVP again, but more so, he needs to do it in the playoffs.  Carlos Boozer needs to play like an All-Star, but more so, play like one in the playoffs.  Luol Deng needs to shut down Paul Pierce/Lebron James and Joakim Noah needs to outplay whatever center he plays in any playoff matchup (but especially Miami) more than he did last year.  The Bulls are a talented team but if they win, it will be because everything went their way and they outplayed a more talented team.

By getting Howard, the Bulls may lose a lot of their depth, and maybe some of their identity, but they instantly become the best the team in the NBA when they send out their starting 5.  Howard, Boozer, Deng, Bogans, Rose…….yikes!  Everything doesn’t have to go your way in the playoffs (and during the regular season) to win a title with that group, you just need to have everyone healthy.  Without Howard, you still need everyone to be healthy, so that contingency is a wash. 

I’m not pointing out anything that most of you don’t already know (the Bulls with Howard are a better team) but I’m just throwing out the question as to why we didn’t hear more about them being a bigger player in this whole situation.

So here we are, Dwight Howard looks like he’s going to the Nets. 

The Bulls are still in need of a swingman that can play during the last 6 minutes of a game, not be a defensive liability and make big shots.  With the Heat signing Shane Battier, Phoenix inking Grant Hill, and Brandon Roy retiring, I’m not sure a whole lot is out there.  You just suggesting Jamal Crawford made me throw up in my mouth a little bit, no thanks on that guy.

My hope is that the Bulls package something together for OJ Mayo.  Last year Memphis agreed to a deal to send Mayo to Indiana for Greg Hibbard.  I don’t think it’s crazy to suggest the Bulls send Omar Asik (as long as Noah is on the Bulls, Asik is only playing 10-13 minutes a game as a backup center), Ronnie Brewer, and a 2012 first rounder for the former USC star.  I think he has superstar potential and while he’s available, the Bulls should take advantage. 

The NBA is about superstars and because the Bulls have one in D Rose, and play in Chicago (a big market players want to play), they need to not stand pat and aggressively try to take advantage of obtaining Rose some help when they have the assets to do it.  The 2012 NBA Championship is up for grabs and I’d like the Bulls to go out there and get it.    

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