Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fantasy Football Help

A lot of people around football have been coming to me this past week and asking, "how do you get so much out of your players each week in fantasy football?"  To be honest, there really isn't a secret, or magic formula, I use to motivate my players to outplay their projections week after week.  Call my success a reputation thing.  

Before I joined any Fantasy Football league, I developed a reputation around the NFL as being a coach players just love to play for.  Maybe it's my personality, or my football knowledge of X's and O's, or the way I'm able to relate to any player on my team (whether they are a 41 year old kicker, or the 1st round pick WR)?  Like I said earlier, there isn't a simple answer.  However, I still want to, and feel like I can, help the bottom feeders of their Fantasy Football leagues that really don't know what they are doing right now.

Here goes, here's how you can start getting the most out of your players in 4 Simple Steps.

1. Know Your Personnel - It's vital that you know the strengths and weaknesses of your players AND opponents.  If you know the Bears haven't been strong against the pass this year, make sure you are starting Calvin Johnson when he plays the Bears.  If you know Reggie Wayne is a terrible WR to own because of his QB situation, try to play AGAINST him as much as you can.  Anyone can do this, it’s just a matter of putting in the effort.

2. Be One of the Guys - Does Dwayne Bowe know I have the power to trade him on a moment’s notice?  Absolutely!  Does Matt Ryan know that if he doesn't start playing better, I could cut him just to make a point?  He sure does.  But you know what?  That doesn't mean the 3 of us don't go out for beers and shoot the shit.  Listen, if your players are going to go hard for you, they need to like you and be able to relate to you, not just on the field, but off the field.

3. Watch Football - I know this sounds obvious, but watching some of you coach your teams, it's apparent that you aren't watching as much football as you should. The 10pm sports clips on the local news won't cut it anymore, this isn't 1987.  Nowadays, we have shows like SportsCenter and NFL Live, watch them.  Make sure you are also checking your Comcast/Direct TV/RCN guide on Saturday night to see what games are scheduled for Sunday, and then making some time the next afternoon to watch them.  This will give you a great chance to watch your team and other players around the league.  Knowing more about football will also make you sound more like a man next time you are talking to me.

4. Have Fun - Fantasy Football is a game, have fun with it! Nobody likes losing so teams like yours are going to struggle with this one, but you gotta try.  Make up stuff about how you are in another fantasy league and are undefeated like most people do, this will make you feel better and after a while, you will start believing the lies that are coming out of your mouth.

Listen, I know Fantasy Football can be frustrating, it’s some hard stuff.  However, if you just take my advice and start following these 4 simple steps, you should start seeing more positive results.  If your team is 1-6 or 0-7 and the season is already over, take this wisdom with you for next year.  Good luck everyone, I hope this was helpful.

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